Monday, March 17, 2008

A "novel" thought .....

So, I haven't blogged in awhile .... Nope, hasn't lost the novelty; just life in the way. And, my to-do list has "read" among the other more important "monkeys on my back" that I must tend to. And how is it that after months of being on the wait list for 3 books at the library, do they suddenly all become available within 2 weeks of each other? So I find myself a bibliophile lately, chewing up worn pages of fictional characters and places; some of which I found myself liking and others not. Currently on the night table: Different Seasons/Stephen King (I wanted to read Shawshank Redemption as I'd enjoyed the movie so much.) ... Remember Me?/Sophie Kinsella (Gotta love "chick lit" for the pure simplicity of it.) ... The Pillars of the Earth/Ken Follet (Really want to dig into this one; waiting for the right moment.) ... The Next Thing on My List/Jill Smolinski (More "chick lit"; love the message. Check out her site!) ....... among others. I did just read Light On Snow/Anita Shreve and I found myself not certain if I liked the book or not. I think given it's beginning I expected a more spectacular ending. The characters were likable; the story quite simple really. And maybe that's what makes it a good book. It doesn't rely on the bizarre or obscene to envelope us. I think I now realize that it's a very real story that relies simply on human interaction to draw us in. A "novel" thought, yes? Human interaction.