Sunday, April 27, 2008

Memories .....

Welllllll.....we are but 4 days from May, and we had snow come through this weekend. Hardly enough to count as snow, but certainly enough to discourage those of us who really felt that spring had "sprung". You see .... our new home has a front porch that will accommodate furniture, and I can't tell you how excited I am about that. I cannot wait to sit on my porch with my book, laptop, knitting, or any other task that will keep my idle hands busy. I LOVE Spring and Autumn; they are my 2 favorite seasons. I'm not a huge Summer or Winter fan. It's too hot, and it's too cold! The coming of the green of spring is amazing to watch, and the colors of autumn leaves, and the smell of autumn breezes is the kind of things that bring memories flooding to back to me. I remember as a young girl sitting on my Grandparent's back deck and rocking for many an afternoon with Grandma on her umbrella swing. I could smell her lilac bushes in bloom, and to this day when lilacs are in bloom, the smell of them takes me back to home. When near a lake or ocean with waves lapping against shore, I am reminded of the years that we lived on Lake Ontario, and the symphony of the waves would bring me peaceful slumber. The smell of a campfire ... and I'm 16 again spending the summer camping and at the beach with my parents, and yes, getting into some proverbial mischief that shall not be repeated here. ;) I encourage you to take a moment, and smell around you and see what memories it invokes.